An octree is a tree data structure in which each internal node has exactly eight children. Octrees are most often used to partition a three dimensional space by recursively subdividing it into eight octants. Octrees are the three-dimensional analog of quadtrees.
Point based Octree vs MX (matrix) based Octree
PR based - a point in the center of the voxel indicates the shared corner of all 8 of the new cubes upon subdivision.
A new cubes edge will run from the boundaries of the original cube to the point
A MX based Octree also has a point but it is placed in the centre of the new Voxel after subdivision
Pioneerin reseach into Octrees (1980's)
Octree Encoding: A New Technique for the Representation, Manipulation and Display of Arbitrary 3-D Objects by Computer"
c++ implemetation of Octrees
Color quantization using Octrees
other Thoughts:
new links
Meetings - how often
We already have some Octree experience
We have some open GL experievne
We have some Houdini expereince (COTS Voxel modeling)
With houdini we can quickly and easily visualise our code using Houdinis tools
how can it be used to best effect ?
(there is a learning curve to take into account of course)
Prototyping tools in houdini ?
producing renderings of our concepts in Houdini .
Shared Documentation
Performance benchmarking
Version Control
Team Skills Matrix
Jacob - 3D programming
Linnet - Maya
Daniel Maya/Houdini / some programming
Documentation - we are all expereinced by now. :D
Options to achieve the outcomes of the brief
* develop Voxel visualisation from scratch
* make tools that intergrate into Houdini or Maya
* we want to out put a format suitable for printing - therefore what printing formats are already out there ?
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